Educazione Linguistica Language Education
Why are Variation and English as a Lingua Franca Important Tools within the EFL Class?
Gallo, Viviana1 
[1] Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia;
关键词: Educational Linguistics. English as a Foreign Language. English as a Lingua Franca. English language teaching. Multilingualism. Sociolinguistics. Translanguaging. Variation;   
DOI  :  10.30687/ELLE/2280-6792/2022/01/003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article focuses on the importance of variation and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) within the EFL class, as this language shows a plurality of native and non-native varieties. Most of the interactions take place between speakers of different L1, where ELF works as a shared code. Concerning variation, this study highlights how its use allows learners to mirror the cultural identity of their interlocutors by developing extremely effective mutual understanding. Finally, examples of experience-based activities show how the use of communication strategies elicits important life skills, whose development is strongly recommended by Agenda 2030.

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