Sources, Influencing Factors, and Pollution Process of Inorganic Nitrogen in Shallow Groundwater of a Typical Agricultural Area in Northeast China
Xinqiang Du1  Min Fang1  Xueyan Ye1  Jing Feng1 
[1]Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
关键词: inorganic nitrogen;    shallow groundwater;    multivariate statistical analysis;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w12113292
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
As one of the largest agricultural areas, the Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China has faced serious inorganic nitrogen pollution of groundwater, but the sources and the formation mechanism of pollution in the regional shallow groundwater remain unclear, which constrains the progress of pollution control and agricultural development planning. An investigation on potential nitrogen sources, groundwater inorganic nitrogen compounds (NH4+, NO3, NO2), and topsoil total nitrogen concentration (TN) was conducted in a typical paddy irrigation area of Sanjiang Plain. Multivariate statistical analysis combined with geospatial-based assessment was applied to identify the sources, determine the governing influencing factors, and analyze the formation process of inorganic nitrogen compounds in shallow groundwater. The results show that the land use type, oxidation-reduction potential (Eh), groundwater depth, NO2 concentration, and electrical conductivity (EC) are highly correlated with the NO3 pollution in groundwater, while DO and Eh affected the distribution of NH4+ most; the high concentrations of NO3 in sampling wells are most likely to be found in the residential land and are distributed mainly in densely populated areas, whereas the NH4+ compounds are most likely to accumulate in the paddy field or the lands surrounded by paddy field and reach the highest level in the northwest of the area, where the fields were cultivated intensively with higher fertilization rates and highest values of topsoil TN. From the results, it can be concluded that that the NO3 compounds in groundwater originated from manure and domestic waste and accumulated in the oxidizing environment, while the NH4+ compounds were derived from N fertilization and remained steady in the reducing environment. NO2 compounds in groundwater were the immediate products of nitrification as a result of microorganism activities.
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