Microgrids Power Quality Enhancement Using Model Predictive Control
Felix Garcia-Torres1  Sergio Vazquez2  Antonio Moreno-Munoz3  Aurora Gil-de-Castro3  IsabelM. Moreno-Garcia3  Pedro Roncero-Sanchez4 
[1] Application Unit, Centro Nacional del Hidrogeno, 13500 Puertollano, Spain;Electronic Department, Universidad de Sevilla, 41092 Sevilla, Spain;Electronic and Computer Department, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Campus de Rabanales, Universidadde Córdoba, Edificio Leonardo da Vinci, 14071 Córdoba, Spain;Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Department, University of Castilla-La Mancha, 13001 Ciudad Real, Spain;
关键词: microgrids;    power quality and reliability;    Model Predictive Control;    interconnected systems;    harmonics;    power system control;   
DOI  :  10.3390/electronics10030328
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In electric power systems, any deviation with respect to the theoretical sinusoidal waveform is considered to be a disturbance in the power quality of the electrical grid. The deviation can alter any of the parameters of the waveform: frequency, amplitude, and symmetry among phases. Microgrid, as a part of the electric power system, has to contribute providing an adequate current waveform in grid connected-mode, as well as to guarantee similar voltage features than the standard requirement given for public distribution grids under normal exploitation conditions in islanded mode. Adequate power quality supply is necessary for the correct compatibility between all the devices connected to the same grid. In this paper, the power quality of microgrids is managed using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) methodology which regulates the power converters of the microgrids in order to achieve the requirements. The control algorithm is developed for the following microgrids working modes: grid-connected, islanded, and interconnected. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methodology improves the transient response in comparison with classical methods in all the working modes, minimizing the harmonic content in the current and the voltage even with the presence of non-balanced and non-harmonic-free three-phase voltage and current systems.

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