Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
The Accession of Cyprus to the EU: Challenges and Opportunities for the New European Regional Order
关键词: Cyprus;    Cyprus Question;    European Union;    EU accesssion;    Greek Cypriots;    Turkish Cypriots;    Turkey;    Greece;    European Security and Defence Policy;    ESDP;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
With its GDP per capita being high enough and already approaching Western Europe on averages, the Republic of Cyprus appears to be one of the best candidates for European Union (EU) membership and its negotiators are making rapid progress in accession negotiations with Brussels. Yet, the continuing stand-off between the island's Greek- and Cypriot communities raises questions as to the exact status under which Cyprus will soon accede to the EU. The article addresses this problem and outlines what seems most likely to happen with the signing of the accession agreement. Given that the issue might crucially affect the way the European order of the near future will be shaped, the article also discusses the implications Cyprus' accession could possibly have on EU-Turkey relations and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP).
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