Revue des Énergies Renouvelables
A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of asynchronous motor supplied by photovoltaic solar energy
A. Malek1  S.Kharzi1  L.Barazane2  C.Larbès3 
[1] Division Energie Solaire Photovoltaïque, Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, B.P. 62, Route de l’Observatoire, Bouzaréah, Alger, Algérie;Laboratoire de Commande des Processus, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique 10 Avenue Hassen Badi, B.P. 182, El-Harrach, Alger, Algérie;Laboratoire de développement des dispositifs de Communications et de Conversion Photovoltaïque Département d’Electronique, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, B.P. 182, Avenue 182, El-Harrach, Alger, Algérie;
关键词: induction motor;    photovoltaic system;    sizing;    maximum power point mppt;    fieldoriented control;    sliding mode control;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aims of this work, is the survey of the design and application of speed and flux sliding mode controllers for vector control of an induction motor powered by a solar photovoltaic energy. The solar photovoltaic energy nowadays, is one of the renewable energies sources present in various domains of applications. Moreover, the photovoltaic generator (GPV) output voltage depends of several climatic factors, such as the irradiations and the temperature. To overcome these problems, one must carries out an adequate sizing and exploits the maximum power available at the level of the (GPV). Thus the proposed structure in our work, is constitute of one (GPV) associated to a (DC/DC) converter controlled by MPPT to fed an induction motor. After determining the decoupled model of the motor, a set of simple surfaces and associated control laws have been synthesised. A smooth control function with a threshold was chosen. However, the magnitude of this control function depends closely on the upper bound of uncertainties, which include parameter variations and external disturbances, and this generates chattering. So, this magnitude has to be chosen with great care to obtain high performances.

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