Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics
On the Condition of Adjunction in Barriers
关键词: Grammar, Comparative and general-- Verb phrase;   
DOI  :  10.17161/KWPL.1808.448
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Even though Barriers theory is considered to be an innovative approach toward the Universal Grammar, it has some conceptual problems. The first problem is concerned with the definition of the blocking category and the barrier. According to the definition, VP is a blocking category and an inherent barrier. However, VP-adjunction should always be permitted to avoid its barrierhood. This approach is no better than that which does not regard VP as a blocking category and a barrier, consequently permitting no VP-adjunction. The second problem is that I-projections are detective categories. Ad hoc rules for explaining the CNPC and the WH-island phenomena may be added as drawbacks in the theory of harriers. To solve these problems, I suggest some modification of the definitions of Barriers.

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