IET Nanodielectrics
In situ synthesis of high dielectric constant GNPs/PBO nanocomposites with enhanced thermostability
Qixin Zhuang1  Wenqi Chen2  Yong Yuan2  Lv Xiao2  Yi Chen2  Zhongquan Li2  Zhen Kong2 
[1]Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology of the Ministry of Education, East China University of Science and Technology
[2]Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute
关键词: nanocomposites;    casting;    tensile strength;    X-ray diffraction;    polymerisation;    polymers;    thermal stability;    graphene;    graphite;    permittivity;    scanning electron microscopy;    nanoparticles;    nanofabrication;    filled polymers;    dielectric polarisation;    thin films;    solution casting method;    sand core plates;    PBO matrix;    GNPs fillers;    pristine PBO polymer;    polymerisation;    high dielectric constant GNPs-PBO nanocomposites;    conductive filler-polymer system;    interfacial polarisation;    tensile strength;    graphene nanosheets;    XRD;    interlayer spacing;    methanesulfonic acid;    MSA;    poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) matrix;    graphite nanoparticles;    thermostability;    temperature 630.0 degC;    pressure 258.0 MPa;   
DOI  :  10.1049/iet-nde.2019.0002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Graphite nanoparticles (GNPs) were introduced into poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO) matrix to produce composites via in situ polymerisation. Films of various composites were fabricated through the solution casting method in methanesulfonic acid (MSA) with the help of two sand core plates. The interlayer spacing of GNPs increased slightly confirmed by XRD as a result of an expanding effect caused by continuously formed PBO chains between the graphene nanosheets of GNPs during polymerisation. Also, due to the uniform dispersion of GNPs into PBO matrix, composite films exhibited an improved tensile strength (258 MPa, 72% higher than that of pure PBO) with 5 wt% loading of GNPs fillers. The initial decomposition temperature of the composite is ∼630°C. Besides, benefitting from the interfacial polarisation in this conductive filler/polymer system, the dielectric constant of the composites with 10 wt% loading of GNPs reached 6.96, which were over two times higher than that of pristine PBO polymer (2.91).
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