Nonlinear Analysis
Finite-time stability results for fractional damped dynamical systems with time delays
Dumitru Baleanu1  Ganesan Arthi2  Nallasamy Brindha2 
[1] Cankaya University;PSGR Krishnammal College for Women;
关键词: damped system;    fractional order;    finite-time stability;    time delay;   
DOI  :  10.15388/namc.2022.27.25194
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper is explored with the stability procedure for linear nonautonomous multiterm fractional damped systems involving time delay. Finite-time stability (FTS) criteria have been developed based on the extended form of Gronwall inequality. Also, the result is deduced to a linear autonomous case. Two examples of applications of stability analysis in numerical formulation are described showing the expertise of theoretical prediction.

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