Pizhūhish/hā-yi Falsafī- Kalāmī
An Explanation of the Role of Intention in Moral Values According to Mulla Sandra
Jahangiri Masoud1  Masouma Sadat Sari Arefi2 
[1]Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
[2]PhD candidate of Transcendental Philosophy, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
关键词: this article seeks to study the role of intention in moral values according to mulla sandra. based on this;    several hypotheses in regards to this topic according to mulla sandra will be presented. these hypotheses will be analyzed in the following questions: according to mulla sandra;    does intention play a role in the valuation of the moral act? supposing that mulla sandra accepts that it does;    can this role also extend to the moral agent? does he believe in the one-dimensional;    and in other words;    the one-way role of intention in the valuation of the moral act and agent? or;    based on mulla sandra’s philosophical foundations and statements;    can different yet alternate explanations be offered in regards to the valuation of the moral act;    agent and intention? in keeping with these questions;    the author first seeks to analyze the essence of intention and value according to mulla sandra and then to analyze the role of intention in four levels based on mulla sandra’s expressions. ultimately;    the chosen view is the mutual and continuous effect of moral intention;    act and agent in valuation of each other albeit in different levels and dimensions. intention;    will;    mulla sandra;    moral value;    act;    knowledge;   
DOI  :  10.22091/pfk.2017.1435.1465
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article seeks to study the role of intention in moral values according to Mulla Sandra. Based on this, several hypotheses in regards to this topic according to Mulla Sandra will be presented. These hypotheses will be analyzed in the following questions: according to Mulla Sandra, does intention play a role in the valuation of the moral act? Supposing that Mulla Sandra accepts that it does, can this role also extend to the moral agent? Does he believe in the one-dimensional, and in other words, the one-way role of intention in the valuation of the moral act and agent? Or, based on Mulla Sandra’s philosophical foundations and statements, can different yet alternate explanations be offered in regards to the valuation of the moral act, agent and intention? In keeping with these questions, the author first seeks to analyze the essence of intention and value according to Mulla Sandra and then to analyze the role of intention in four levels based on Mulla Sandra’s expressions. Ultimately, the chosen view is the mutual and continuous effect of moral intention, act and agent in valuation of each other albeit in different levels and dimensions.
【 授权许可】


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