RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries
Veterinary and sanitary characteristics of sarcocystosis infected cattle meat
Dmitry V. Nikitchenko1  Ekaterina O. Rystsova1  Vladimir E. Nikitchenko1  Ivan G. Seregin2  Evgeniya S. Baranovich2 
[1] Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University);Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy;
关键词: cattle;    meat;    sarcocystosis;    organoleptic characteristics;    physicaland chemical properties;    microbial status;    harmlessness;    veterinary-sanitary evaluation;   
DOI  :  10.22363/2312-797X-2020-15-2-210-224
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The rate of sarcocystosis detection in slaughtered cattle was studied. The infection rate for slaughtered animals averaged 0.382.11 % of studied livestock. The location of sarcocysts in various muscle tissues of the carcass was determined. Organoleptic, physical chemical and microbiological characteristics of beef from sick and healthy animals were compared. Detected was a decrease in sensory indicators by 0.140.34 points, an increase in pH - by 0.34 units, an increase in VFA - by 0.4 mg/KOH and in amino-ammonia nitrogen concentration - by 0.09 mg/%. The content of protein decreased by 0.92 %, fat - by 1.04 %, and moisture level increased by 2.90 %. At the same time, a decrease in relative bioavailability by 10.7 % and safety by 5.1104 of meat infected with sarcocystosis as compared to meat of healthy cattle was detected. It was found out that the shelf life of chilled meat from animals infected with sarcocystosis is 1-2 days less than that of healthy ones. Based on the data obtained, proposals were developed for improving the veterinary-sanitary evaluation of meat and other products of slaughtered animals infected with sarcocystosis in order to be incorporated into the Rules of Veterinary Sanitary Examination of Meat and Meat Products.

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