The Journal of Population and Sustainability
Endangered species condoms: a social marketing tool for starting conversations about population
Sarah Baillie1  Kelley Dennings1  Stephanie Feldstein1 
[1]Center for Biological Diversity
关键词: endangered species;    outreach;    overconsumption;    social marketing;   
DOI  :  10.3197/jps.2020.4.2.31
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The Endangered Species Condoms project was launched 10 years ago to bring the discussion of human population growth back into the environmental movement with a focus on human rights and reproductive justice. In that time, more than 1 million condoms have been distributed by thousands of volunteers. The principles of social marketing are used through the Endangered Species Condoms project to create a national discourse around the population issue. They are introduced in both formal teaching settings like high school and university classrooms as well as informal settings like community events and after-hours programing at zoos and museums to reach a broad, diverse audience.
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