EPJ Web of Conferences
Flamini Davide1  Angelone Maurizio1  Kodeli Ivan A.2 
[1] ENEA;Jožef Stefan Institute;
关键词: nuclear data;    sensitivity /uncertainty analysis;    benchmarks;   
DOI  :  10.1051/epjconf/202124715004
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To assure tritium self-sufficiency in future fusion reactors such as DEMO the accuracy of TRP calculations has to be demonstrated within the design uncertainties. A new neutronics experiment representing a mock-up of the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Test Blanket Module (TBM) is under preparation at the Frascati neutron generator (FNG) with the objective to provide an experimental validation of accuracy of nuclear data and neutron transport codes for the tritium production rate (TPR) calculations. The mock-up will consist of LiPb bricks, EUROFER plates and Perspex substituting water. The mock-up will be irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons at the FNG facility, and the TPR and detector reaction rates will be measured using Li2CO3 pellets and activation foils placed at different positions up to about 55 cm inside the mock-up. Computational pre-analyses for the design of the WCLL neutronics experiment using the SUSD3D sensitivity/uncertainty (S/U) code system is described and compared with the results of some similar FNG experiments performed in the past, in particular the FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2005) and FNG-HCLL Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2009). The objective of the pre-analysis is to provide the calculated nuclear responses including the uncertainties due to the uncertainties in nuclear data and thus contributes to the optimisation of the design of the experimental set-up.

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