Studia Ethnologica Pragensia
Krajina po těžbě břidlice očima trampů a táborníků aneb o brownfieldech jinak (Nízký Jeseník)
Jiří Kupka1  Jan Pohunek2 
[1] Etnografické oddělení Národního muzea;Institut environmentálního inženýrství, VŠB — Technická univerzita ;
关键词: silesia;    czech tramping;    tramping;    slate mining;    brownfields;    local names;    contemporary legends;    recreational usage of landscape;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper discusses secondary recreational uses of abandoned slate quaries, dumps and mines in the area of Nízký Jeseník (Czech Republic) focusing on campers and tramps, who colonized this area since the second half of the 1940s. A paralel between such an adaptation of former industrial places and natural succession is presented. An area of Koňský důl (Horse quarry) is used as an example of such a site where mining history, recreational usage, new local names and continuous adaptation of space led to an establishment of a distinctive, well-known place that can still be classified as a brownfield but where its new roles are much more prominent. Local contemporary legends are also mentioned, including a character called Honnbesch, a malicious former German farmer hiding in the underground.

【 授权许可】


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