Stem Cell Research & Therapy
A systematic summary of survival and death signalling during the life of hair follicle stem cells
Kun Xiong1  Dan-Yi Zhang1  Shen-ao Fu1  Zhi-Xin Li1  Zai-Qiu Zhang1  Xi-Min Hu1  Yi-Chao Yang1  Rong-Hua Yang2 
[1] Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Central South University;Department of Burn Surgery, The First People’s Hospital of Foshan;
关键词: Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs);    Signalling;    Wnt;    Shh;    Notch;    BMP;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13287-021-02527-y
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) are among the most widely available resources and most frequently approved model systems used for studying adult stem cells. HFSCs are particularly useful because of their self-renewal and differentiation properties. Additionally, the cyclic growth of hair follicles is driven by HFSCs. There are high expectations for the use of HFSCs as favourable systems for studying the molecular mechanisms that contribute to HFSC identification and can be applied to hair loss therapy, such as the activation or regeneration of hair follicles, and to the generation of hair using a tissue-engineering strategy. A variety of molecules are involved in the networks that critically regulate the fate of HFSCs, such as factors in hair follicle growth and development (in the Wnt pathway, Sonic hedgehog pathway, Notch pathway, and BMP pathway), and that suppress apoptotic cues (the apoptosis pathway). Here, we review the life cycle, biomarkers and functions of HFSCs, concluding with a summary of the signalling pathways involved in HFSC fate for promoting better understanding of the pathophysiological changes in the HFSC niche. Importantly, we highlight the potential mechanisms underlying the therapeutic targets involved in pathways associated with the treatment of hair loss and other disorders of skin and hair, including alopecia, skin cancer, skin inflammation, and skin wound healing.

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