Results in Engineering
Building integrated photovoltaic as GREENSHIP’S on site renewable energy tool
Dyah Wardhani1  Susan Susan2 
[1]Universitas Ciputra, CitraLand CBD Boulevard, Surabaya, 60219, Indonesia
[2]Corresponding author.
关键词: BIPV;    Electrical energy;    Greenship;    On-site renewable energy;    Solar radiation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Building challenges energy production from various sources, since it consumes energy in each stage of its life. The electrical energy in Indonesia is mostly produced by fossil fuel, an unrenewable energy resources has led to negative impacts on the environment. Thus, the availability of this resource is getting less. Fortunately, Indonesia has abundant renewable energy resources, and the use of these resources are still a minimum. This fact is supported by the data that many of Green-certificated buildings in Indonesia failed to take credit for the on-site renewable energy in their assessment. This research presents the proposed case of Universitas Ciputra. A building which was designed with green features and has the potential for on-site renewable energy integration, particularly for solar energy with BIPV as its concept. The aim of this research is to observe efforts made for optimizing electrical energy production from the renewable energy resources, along with the amount of optimum electrical energy generated compared to Greenship standards. The PV panels were integrated to the building façade elements (roof, opaque wall, transparent wall, and shading device), using optimum tilt and orientation angle. The result shows that the application of BIPV concept could substitute for 6–22% of the maximum power demand needed. Thus, the BIPV application on the building roof alone, would already reach the Greenship target for on-site renewable energy tool.
【 授权许可】


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