Clinical Dermatology Review
Fetal varicella syndrome: A rare case report and literature review
关键词: congenital;    congenital talipes equinovarus;    hypoplasia;    microphthalmia;    scarring;    varicella;   
DOI  :  10.4103/CDR.CDR_118_20
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Fetal varicella syndrome (FVS) is an extremely rare condition of the newborn, characterized by cutaneous scars, limb defects, ocular, and central nervous system abnormalities. It follows maternal varicella infection during early pregnancy. We are reporting a 4-day-old female child who presented with a linear, depressed, erythematous, localized scarring over the right knee with hypoplasia of the right lower limb and malformed right great toe. Clinical presentation of her right foot was resembling congenital talipes equinovarus. Mother had a history of varicella during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ocular examination revealed subretinal hypopigmented exudation with scanty vitreous hemorrhage and tunica vasculosa lentis seen on indirect ophthalmoscopy in the right eye. Ultrasonic A/B scan of the right eye was suggestive of microphthalmia. We confirmed the diagnosis of FVS based on characteristic history, clinical features, and varicella-zoster IgG antibodies were positive.
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