Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal
The LiguSTAR Project: Archaeological Survey Techniques as Applied to the Study of Roman Settlement on the Riverbanks of the 'Lacus Ligustinus' (Southwest Spain)
Maria del Mar Castro Garcia1 
[1] University of Siena;
关键词: landscape archaeology;    riparia;    'baetis';    'ligustinus';    remote sensing;   
DOI  :  10.16995/traj.418
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The LiguSTAR project studies a transformed watery environment, the ancient 'lacus Ligustinus'. The 'Ligustinus' was the paleo-estuary of the 'Baetis flumen', currently named the Guadalquivir River (Southern Spain). At present, it is a radically transformed landscape due to intensive sedimentation and other geomorphological dynamics. Yet the estuary banks were highly populated during the Roman period. Important urban sites controlled the surrounding rural settlements, which were dedicated to farming activities. In addition, the 'lacus' enabled connections with maritime routes for the export of surplus goods. Nowadays this spatial configuration is difficult to reconstruct, especially the settlement patterns related to the 'villae' exploitation system. The LiguSTAR has devised a methodology applicable to the study of the paleo-banks by combining geomorphological, archaeological, and other historical information data with geophysical survey and UAV flight applications. In this paper, we present the state of the art, the hypotheses, the methodology, and the initial fieldwork results from the LiguSTAR Project.

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