Revista EntreLínguas
Ethnic oriented approach to imperative mood examination in teaching of Russian as a foreign language
Tatiana Aleksandrovna Gimranova1  Zhongyi Zheng1  Elena Ivanovna Kolosova1 
[1] Kazan Federal University (KPFU), Kazan;
关键词: grammar;    imperative mood;    ethnic oriented approach;    chinese language;    russian as a foreign language;   
DOI  :  10.29051/el.v7iEsp1.14872
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article examines difficulties to teaching the Russian language grammar in “Russian as a Foreign Language” (referred to as “RFL”) classes to students from Chinese contingent. While learning Russian grammar, many students encounter a number of challenges, one of which is an attempt to transfer their native language knowledge onto the learning of a foreign language. Since grammar categories of different languages are not identical, the learner’s consciousness attempts to overlay one language onto another (phenomenon of interference), which in turn hinders the adequate learning of chosen language’s certain grammar category. Without a doubt, focusing on such cases and bearing in mind possible mistakes of such type while learning a certain grammar category focusing on features of students’ native language creates a deeper understanding of Russian language structure and prevents cases of interference. The current article is relevant to the number of studies related to the examination of approaches to the ethnic oriented education of foreign languages. A detailed analysis of inducement expression methods in Russian language as compared to those in Chinese language is considered highly relevant. Authors of the current study come to the conclusion that the introduction to the Russian imperative mood and its manifestation in language and speech can be presented with interest from the position of ethnic oriented approach to the teaching of “RFL” classes by combining the grammar aspects of language learning with culturological ones. The framework of this article and collected illustrative material can be of use to the “RFL” teachers in their pedagogical practice in the preparation and conduct of classes with Chinese students, as well as in preparation of training courses of Russian language grammar and in creation of teaching aids based on ethnic oriented approach.

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