Phénomènes et références : éléments pour une réflexion sur la rationalisation de l’irrationnel
关键词: Archaic Greece;    Empedocles;    irrational;    Parmenides;    philosophy;    rationalization;   
DOI  :  10.4000/methodos.205
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The term « rationalization », used for describing some kind of process leading from an « irrational » to a « rational » state of affairs, takes two opposed values, depending on whether this process is considered as objective or subjective, legitimate or not. The development of a new form of rationality in Archaic Greece (philosophy) and its later historiography often display interesting tensions between the two options. Have we to deal with the original « phenomenon », which should not be explained away, or with transpositions, which « refer » to traditional claims or pattern of thought ? The body of the article confronts in this respect Parmenides’ fantastic description of his journey to the Goddess, in the proem of his poem, and Empedocles’ self-portrait as a sorcerer and magician, in some of his fragments, and suggests that, contrary to some recent trends of interpretation, both of them are liable to the second approach.

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