RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety
The effectiveness of the scrubber method of cleaning exhaust gases in industry
Alexey N. Karev1  Mikhail P. Tyurin1 
[1] Kosygin Russian State University;
关键词: exhaust gases;    waste gases;    steam generators;    wet gas;    heat of condensation;    water heating;    heat recovery;    water heating;    steam boiler;    system of utilization;    secondary energy resources;    economizer;    contact heat exchangers;   
DOI  :  10.22363/2313-2310-2021-29-4-371-380
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Unfortunately, not all types of industry have a positive impact on the environment and people, for example, the processes of the chemical and textile industries can be accompanied by the release of toxic and harmful gases, dust and steam. And already, along with the exhaust gases, they are released into the atmosphere, while the negative impact on the overall environmental situation only doubles. That is why the importance of cleaning the emitted gases in the process of industrial activity cannot be underestimated. The most popular and most effective method of cleaning from dust emissions can be designated as the scrubber method of air purification, precisely at the moment when the air being eliminated has a relatively high temperature level. In addition, the use of the heat of condensation of water vapors contained in them is a particularly effective direction for increasing the depth of heat recovery of wet gas and steam generator gases leaving heat technology devices. This article is devoted to the study of the stages and models of the process of designing and constructing a device for wet cleaning of gases that are released into the atmosphere as a result of certain production activities. The study of the systems of utilization of secondary energy resources used at the present time was also carried out.

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