Possibilities of Controlling the River Outlets by Weirs on the Example of Noteć Bystra River
Tomasz Dysarz1  Ewelina Szałkiewicz1  Maksymilian Rybacki1  Joanna Wicher-Dysarz1  Joanna Jaskuła2 
[1] Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Spatial Management, Poznan University of Life Sciences, 60-637 Poznan, Poland;Institute of Land Improvement, Environmental Development and Geodesy, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Spatial Management, Poznan University of Life Sciences, 60-637 Poznan, Poland;
关键词: noteć river;    control of weirs;    flood risk maps;    waterway;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su12062369
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The possibility of effective control of selected dams in the Noteć Bystra river is analyzed. Such a control is expected to permit inundation of selected arable areas, e.g., peat grasslands, to avoid flooding of the city of Czarnków and the terrains located downstream. The chosen case study is the reach of the Noteć River between the dams Pianowka–Mikolajewo–Rosko. The analysis was made on the basis of simulations of the flow and regulation of dams in flood conditions. The flow peaks of hypothetical flood waves were designed according to the directions of the ISOK project (Informatyczny System Osłony Kraju przed nadzwyczajnymi zagrożeniami—IT System of the Country’s Protection Against Extreme Hazards) as the maximum flows over 10-years (p = 10%), 100-years (p = 1%), and 500-years (p = 0.2%). The obtained results are presented as longitudinal profiles of the water surface, maps of inundated areas and maps of inundated soils. The main conclusion is that the robust control of dams reduces the peak of flow during flood wave propagation and forces inundation of the a priori selected areas. It helps to decrease the spatial range of the flood hazard and significantly reduces risk related to floods.

【 授权许可】


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