Терапевтический архив
Role of neutrophil dysfunction in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus
关键词: systemic lupus erythematosus;    neutrophils;    neutrophil extracellular traps;    netosis;   
DOI  :  10.17116/terarkh20178912110-113
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Neutrophil dysfunction plays a considerable role.in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) The protective function of neutrophils is carried out through various mechanisms: isolation of granular antimicrobial peptides (gAMP), microbial phagocytosis with subsequent degradation via reactive oxygen species inside the phagolysosomes; as well as bactericidal action due to the release of networks from chromatin and gAMP, also called neutrophil extracellular traps (NECTs). The development of neutropenia in SLE has multiple causes, including the formation of antibodies directly to leukocytes; that of neutralizing autoantibodies to the growth factors of neutrophils and cells - myeloid precursors; bone marrow suppression; involvement of neutrophils in the processes of apoptosis and NETosis. Neutrophils in SLE are characterized by reduced phagocytic ability and pathological oxidative activity. In SLE, there is a decrease in the ability to remove the products of neutrophil apoptosis, which is correlated with disease activity. SLE patients are noted to have a higher expression level of the genes specific for low-density granulocytes, an abnormal immature neutrophil population. The impaired processes of formation of NECTs and removal NETosis products play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of SLE. It is shown that the abnormal formation of NECTs also causes endothelial injury and increases the risk of thromboses. The design of novel drugs that act on the specific parts of the formation of NECTs or contribute to their removal from the extracellular environment can propel therapy for SLE and other autoimmune diseases to new heights. There is evidence for further investigations of neutrophil-mediated pathogenetic processes in SLE in order to identify potential therapeutic targets and to understand the mechanisms of action of drugs used in clinical practice.

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