Data in Brief
Twitter social bots: The 2019 Spanish general election data
Sergio López Bernal1  Mattia Zago1  Gregorio Martínez Pérez2  Pantaleone Nespoli3  Alberto Huertas Celdrán3  Javier Pastor-Galindo3  Félix Gómez Mármol3  Manuel Gil Pérez3  José A. Ruipérez-Valiente4 
[1] Corresponding authors.;Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, Cork Rd, Waterford, Ireland;Department of Information Engineering and Communications, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain;;Telecommunication Software &
关键词: Social bots detection;    Social bots classification;    Machine learning;    Sentiment analysis;    Social network analysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The term social bots refer to software-controlled accounts that actively participate in the social platforms to influence public opinion toward desired directions. To this extent, this data descriptor presents a Twitter dataset collected from October 4th to November 11th, 2019, within the context of the Spanish general election. Starting from 46 hashtags, the collection contains almost eight hundred thousand users involved in political discussions, with a total of 5.8 million tweets. The proposed data descriptor is related to the research article available at [1]. Its main objectives are: i) to enable worldwide researchers to improve the data gathering, organization, and preprocessing phases; ii) to test machine-learning-powered proposals; and, finally, iii) to improve state-of-the-art solutions on social bots detection, analysis, and classification. Note that the data are anonymized to preserve the privacy of the users. Throughout our analysis, we enriched the collected data with meaningful features in addition to the ones provided by Twitter. In particular, the tweets collection presents the tweets’ topic mentions and keywords (in the form of political bag-of-words), and the sentiment score. The users’ collection includes one field indicating the likelihood of one account being a bot. Furthermore, for those accounts classified as bots, it also includes a score that indicates the affinity to a political party and the followers/followings list.

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