Journal of Open Research Software
MEDINA: MECCA Development in Accelerators – KPP Fortran to CUDA source-to-source Pre-processor
Theodoros Christoudias1  Michail Alvanos1 
[1] The Cyprus Institute;
关键词: GPU;    CUDA;    Chemical Kinetics;    Climate modeling;    Atmospheric Chemistry;   
DOI  :  10.5334/jors.158
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The global climate model ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) is a modular global model that simulates climate change and air quality scenarios. The application includes different sub-models for the calculation of chemical species concentrations, their interaction with land and sea, and the human interaction. The paper presents a source-to-source parser that enables support for Graphics Processing Units (GPU) by the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) general purpose open-source software tool. The requirements of the host system are also described. The source code of the source-to-source parser is available under the MIT License.

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