Desenvolvimento em Questão
Percepção Ambiental de Trabalhadores em Empresa Certificada ISO 14001: práticas e comportamentos
关键词: environmental management;    environmental training;    environmental perception;    environmental behavior;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2018.45.316-335
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certified companies develop programs to control their environmental aspects by means of procedures and practices such as segregated waste collection, reduction of consumption of energy and water, among others. The implementation of environmental practices within the company can influence the environmental attitude of the worker in the outer side. This work aims to study the environmental practices applied by the worker within a company, its correlation with everyday life and whether these practices are related to the attitude of the worker outside the professional environment. A total of 147 responses were obtained for a questionnaire specifically developed for this research with employees of a metal surface treatment company. The results were treated by analyzing the bivariate correlations between responses. In addition to the questionnaire, operational and environmental management information was obtained from the company. The analysis of the results triangulated both information. It should be emphasized that among the assertions linked to the company’s stance those in which the leadership attitude serves as a stimulus to environmentally responsible behavior correlated with the greater number of assertions about employee behavior. As a result of the research carried out, it was concluded that the development training actions of workers can be revised in order to present practical approaches to professional and daily life and so as to awaken in the worker the environmental perception about the relation of their internal and external impacts on the environment.
【 授权许可】


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