IEEE Access
Bidirectional Three-Level Stacked Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Rene Pastor Torrico-Bascope1  Luiz Daniel Santos Bezerra1  Fernando Lessa Tofoli2  Francisco Everton Uchoa Reis2 
[1] , Fortaleza, Brazil;Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Cear&x00E1;
关键词: Bidirectional converters;    charging stations;    electric vehicles;    resonant controller;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Electric vehicles (EVs) powered by batteries and other energy storage devices (ESDs), e.g., ultracapacitors, are expected to play an important role in the development of a more sustainable future. In this context, charging stations (CSs) are supposed to become the main sources of energy for charging the batteries, being strongly dependent on power electronic converters. This paper analyzes a bidirectional single-phase, three-level stacked neutral-point-clamped (3L-SNPC) converter for CS applications, which may behave as a rectifier or an inverter depending on the power flow direction. Besides, the derived analysis can be easily extended to the development of a three-phase version. Considering that the CS is capable of integrating the utility grid and renewable energy sources, it is possible to absorb or inject energy into the ac grid with high power factor and reduced harmonic content of the current. The main advantages of the bidirectional topology are the existence of a three-level voltage waveform across each leg and the neutral point, while filtering requirements are reduced when compared with typical two-level structures used in EV CSs; the voltage stresses on all semiconductors are equal to half of the total dc-link voltage; power factor is nearly unity in any operation mode; and the voltages across the dc-link capacitors are balanced. The thorough design of the power and control stages is presented, as well as experimental results from a laboratory prototype are discussed in detail.

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