E-City Web Platform: A Tool for Energy Efficiency at Urban Level
Miguel Amado1  António Ribeiro Amado2  Francesca Poggi3  Sílvia Breu4 
[1] CERIS Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal;CIAUD Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de Lisboa, R. Sá Nogueira, 1349-063 Lisbon, Portugal;CICS.NOVA—Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Av. de Berna 26-C, 1069-061 Lisbon, Portugal;Municipal Development Office, 2784-214 Oeiras Municipality, Portugal;
关键词: net-zero energy balance;    municipal planning;    web platform;    solar energy;    GIS;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en11071857
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Cities, as main energy consumers, play a crucial role in achieving a more sustainable energy future. This means that there is an urgent need to transform the way of planning urban areas, focusing on more efficient and self-reliant energy production and consumption modes overall. In this framework, the aim of this study is to explore the Net-Zero energy balance between two spatial scales: the whole city with its diversified energy consumption patterns, and those urban blocks, neighborhoods, or industrial areas that can produce energy and supply it to other areas. This approach leads to the development of an energy zoning for the city, based on the geographical urban delimitation of solar energy exporters cells and the energy consuming ones. On the production side, cells are delimited according to their solar energy production potential. On the demand side, cells are delimited according to four specific criteria: construction timeline, population density, urban morphologies, and land-use patterns that permit the definition of a classification of urban areas, based on the different energy consumption levels. In this paper, the web platform “E-City”, a tool for planning energy balance at urban level is presented, by describing its practical application in the city of Oeiras, Portugal. The platform integrates itself with the existing municipal Geographic Information System, exploring both spatial and statistical dimensions associated with zoning and the overall energy network system. Results from the use of this tool are relevant for urban planning practices, formulation of policies, and management of public investment that can be guided to more energy efficient solutions and supporting the transition towards nearly zero-energy cities.

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