Archive of Oncology
Functions of human non-coding dna sequences
关键词: DNA;    DNA;    Intergenic;    Water;    Sequence Analysis;    DNA;    Base Sequence;    Genome;    Human;    Models;    Theoretical;    Elementary Particles;    Non MeSH String Theory;   
DOI  :  10.2298/AOO1104081S
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The development of string theory has opened a completely new chapter and theway of thinking. A tight connection between DNA, water and strings, as wellas their properties, lead to the idea that the soul is the shelter of ourthoughts. Only 2% of the haploid human genome codes for proteins, while therest consists of non-coding RNA genes, regulatory sequences, introns. Therest of the DNA, about 2.9 billion of base pairs, represents: culturalheredity of the person's family and a part being formed by the person duringhis/her lifetime, which gives the answer to what the use of the non-codingsequences is. Water molecules do not stay permanently united with DNA (theconnection is not covalent), but they disconnect at every 0.5-1 nsec, formingand leaving the DNA molecule. It is well known that the DNA structure dependson water and that „water remembers thoughts”, and depending on the thoughtsof a person it carries them to the physical structure of DNA. At thebeginning of the physical organization of the water molecule there arestrings. When a person dies, the DNA and water molecule are disconnectedleaving only strings with an appropriate features being conditioned bythree-dimensional structure of DNA shaped by water. Every person has a uniquestring appearance, as it is the case with the snowflakes (the DNA print inthe strings).

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