Applied Sciences
A Data Processing Framework for Polar Performance Diagrams
Valentin Dannenberg1  Robert Schüler1  Achill Schürmann1 
[1]Institute of Mathematics, University of Rostock, 18051 Rostock, Germany
关键词: polar performance diagram;    sailing vessel;    weather routing;    automated sailing;    python package;    data processing framework;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app12063085
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Polar performance diagrams are commonly used to predict the performance of a sailing vessel under given wind conditions. They are, in particular, an essential part of robotic sailing vessels and a basis for weather routing algorithms. In this paper we introduce a new framework for scientific work with such diagrams, which we make available as an open source Python package. It contains a model for the creation of polar performance diagrams from measurement data and supports different representations of polar performance diagrams for different tasks. The framework also includes several methods for the visualisation of polar performance diagrams, for example for scientific publications. Additionally, the presented framework solves basic tasks for the future development of weather-routing algorithms in a far more general manner than other methods did previously: it provides the calculation of costs of a sailing trip using custom cost functions, suggestions of optimal steering using convex hull calculations and a more flexible calculation of isochrone points, using custom weather models. Altogether, the presented framework allows future researchers to more easily handle polar performance diagrams. The corresponding Python package is compatible with various established file formats.
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