Community Eye Health Journal
Vanuatu National Eye Care Programme
关键词: VISION 2020;    National Health Programmes;    Community Health Planning;    Pacific islands;    Vanuatu;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Vanuatu, with a population of 200,000, situated north-east of Australia, is one of the many small tropical Pacific Island nations scattered across the huge Pacific Ocean. Vanuatu consists of a young chain of rugged mountainous volcanic islands, rising high out of the sea. There are five provincial hospitals in six provinces. With an annual growth rate of 3%, more than 80% of the population live in the rural areas scattered among the 83 volcanic islands. The life expectancy is 59 years for males, and 62 years for females. The major causes of blindness are cataract and corneal blindness mainly due to trauma.
【 授权许可】


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