Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology
Analysis of Consumer’s WTP for Cowpea Varieties in Osun State, Nigeria: the Hedonic Pricing Approach
Olufemi Adedotun Yesufu1  Abayomi Yusuf Oyewale1  Rabirou Kassali1 
[1] Department of Agricultural Economics, Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife, Osun State;
关键词: Cowpea varieties;    Attributes;    Willingness to pay;    Hedonic pricing model;    Nigeria;   
DOI  :  10.24925/turjaf.v6i9.1120-1128.1832
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Analysis of consumer preferences for cowpea varieties in Osun State was carried out with a view to identifying attributes that determine price variation among cowpea varieties and the effect on consumer’s willingness to pay for those varieties. A multistage sampling technique was used to randomly select 240 respondents for the study, comprising 180 cowpea consumers and 60 retailers. Primary data were collected on cowpea varieties, their attributes and the consumer’s willingness to pay for cowpea varieties using well structured questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that out of thirteen varieties found in the area, only nine varieties of cowpea were common in the market. The quality of each variety differs which explained variation in their price.In terms of preference the Oloyin variety is preferred most by 78% of consumers. Weevil resistance had the highest rank among the cowpea attributes. Oloyin had the highest WTP followed by Milk and Drum with ₦303, ₦237 and ₦213 per kg, respectively. Hedonic pricing methods provide a statistical estimate of premiums and discounts for cowpea attributes. Results indicated that weevil resistance was the most important attribute to consumer. Cowpeas with weevil damage tolerance, brown colour, large grain size and short cooking time commanded price premium for almost all the varieties. The consumer discounted prices for insect damage, small size, white colour, smooth skin and grain colour mixed together. The study concludes on the need for breeders and research institutes to incorporate these cowpea attributes that attracted price premium into their cowpea breeding programmes.

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