Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences
Cone-beam computed tomographic findings of odontogenic keratocyst resembling dentigerous cyst: A diagnostic dilemma
关键词: Dentigerous cyst;    odontogenic keratocyst;    recurrence;   
DOI  :  10.4103/jdas.jdas_27_18
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are locally aggressive, the developmental cysts arising from the remnants of the dental lamina. They may be associated occasionally with an impacted or unerupted tooth and may thus resemble a dentigerous cyst. Formerly considered as an odontogenic tumor by the WHO in 2005, it is currently reclassified under cysts and has retained its former name of OKC. It has radiographic features ranging from unilocular, lucent lesions to multilocular variants. Management of OKC is through surgical enucleation followed by surgical enucleation due to the high possibility of recurrence. We present a case which was diagnosed based on cone-beam computed tomographic findings as a dentigerous cyst and treated accordingly. Histopathological features were suggestive of an OKC. The patient reported back with a recurrence which was then managed with treatment protocol for OKC.
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