E3S Web of Conferences
Full life-cycle economic evaluation of integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment
Zhang Yuqiong1  Zhao Qiang1  Wang Yuqing2  Wang Zhaozhen2  Ao Jindi2 
[1]China Electric Power Research Institute
[2]North China Electric Power University
关键词: hydrogen storage;    integrated energy system;    electric hydrogen production;    full life-cycle;    economic evaluation;   
DOI  :  10.1051/e3sconf/202233801018
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Hydrogen energy storage, as a new type of energy storage with zero carbon emission, multi-energy federal reserve and combined supply, has a good development prospect in the integrated energy system. Based on the integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment, this paper proposes the operation mechanism of the integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment in the environment of electricity market and carbon market. On this basis, considering the time value of money, the life-cycle economic evaluation model of the integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment is constructed. The model is applied to calculate the investment benefit of a community integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment in the whole life cycle. The result of an example shows that the integrated energy system with hydrogen storage equipment is of good economic benefits.
【 授权许可】


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