Ingeniería e Investigación
Representation of phase equilibria and densities for complex systems using a van der Waals volume translated equation of state with a UNIFAC mixing rule
Osvaldo Chiavone-Filho1  Edson Luiz Foletto2  Luiz Roberto Terron3 
[1]Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
[2]Federal University of Santa Maria
[3]University of São Paulo
关键词: Phase equilibrium;    equation of state;    mixing rule;    volume translation;    UNIFAC;   
DOI  :  10.15446/ing.investig.v34n3.44721
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This work investigated the applicability of the van der Waals cubic equation of state (EoS) with volume translation (vdWt), using the modified Huron-Vidal (MHV2) mixing rule with the UNIFAC (UNIQUAC Functional Activity Coefficients) model for describing phase equi-librium and density data for a series of complex systems over wide ranges of temperature (T) and pressure (P). Some limitations were identified in the prediction of the experimental data collected, e.g., systems with highly associating components, but in general, the EoS vdWt+MHV was able to satisfactorily represent both phase equilibrium and volumetric behavior.
【 授权许可】


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