Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Implementation of waste silicate glass into composition of ordinary cement for radiation shielding applications
Mohamed Elsafi1  Ahmed M. El-Khatib2  M.I. Sayyed3  Khaled M. Omar4  Mohanad S. Eid4  I.I. Bondouk4  Hosam M. Saleh5 
[1]Corresponding author. Department of physics, Faculty of Science, Isra University, Amman, Jordan.
[2]Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
[3]Department of Nuclear Medicine Research, Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC), Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), P.O. Box 1982, Dammam, 31441, Saudi Arabia
[4]Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
[5]Radioisotope Department, Nuclear Research Center, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt
关键词: Waste glass/cement;    Geant4 simulation;    MAC;    Compressive;    Porosity;    Thermogravimetric analysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim of this work is to study the radiation shielding properties of cement samples with waste glass incortated into its composition. The mass attenuation coefficient (MAC) of the samples were experimentally determined to evaluate their radiation shielding ability. The experimental coefficient was evaluated using NaI detector for gamma energies between 59.53 keV and 1408.01 keV using different radioactive point sources Am-241, Eu-152, Co-60, and Cs-137, and the gamma transmission parameters half-value layer, mean free path, and transmission factor were calculated. The theoretical coefficient of the composites was determined using Geant4 and XCOM software. The results were also compared against Geant4 and XCOM simulations by calculating the relative deviation between the values to determine the accuracy of the results. In addition the mechanical properties (including Compressive and porosity) as well as the thermogravimetric analysis were tested for the present samples. Overall, it was concluded that the cement sample with 50% waste glass has the greatest shielding potential for radiation shielding applications and is a useful way to reuse waste glass.
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