Influence of Shot Peening Treatment in Erosion Wear Behavior of High Chromium White Cast Iron
LuisBorja Peral1  Alfredo Zafra1  Juan González1  Inés Fernández-Pariente1 
[1] Department of Material Science and Engineering, Campus de Gijón, Edificio Departamental Este, University of Oviedo, 33203 Gijón, Spain;
关键词: shot peening;    heat treatment;    residual austenite;    phase transformation;    erosion wear resistance;   
DOI  :  10.3390/met9090933
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

High alloy white cast irons (WCI) play an important role in many industrial fields such as mining, cement industry, or grinding due to their high hardness and wear resistance. In all these processes, white cast iron components must work under erosion and abrasion conditions. Many investigations have been carried out with the aim of improving the mechanical properties of this type of alloys. Wear resistance depends on the mechanical properties, mainly hardness. Thus, the WCI are typically heat treated in order to modify its microstructure, improving its tribological and wear behavior. The aim of this study is to propose a mechanical surface treatment, shot peening, as an alternative to global heat treatments, due to its capacity to induce phase transformation and microstructural modification, at the same time that it improves the mechanical properties of materials. Characterization of different treated samples was performed by means of microstructural characterization, X-ray diffraction analysis, SEM observation, hardness and roughness measurements, and erosion tests. The results show that shot peening treatment is able to transform residual austenite and increase hardness in the top surface layer of the material. Both effects contribute to improve the erosion wear behavior of the WCI.

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