Energy Strategy Reviews
Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned
Lion Hirth1  Eva Schmid2  Frauke Wiese3  Matthew Gidden4  Clemens Wingenbach5  Guido Pleßmann6  Tim Tröndle7  Heidi Heinrichs8  Stefan Pfenninger9  Jörn C. Richstein1,10  Clara Heuberger1,11  Chris Davis1,12  Uwe Krien1,13  Arjuna Nebel1,14  Carsten Matke1,15  Ingmar Schlecht1,16  Abhishek Shivakumar1,17  Berit Müller1,17  Iain Staffell1,17  Tom Brown1,18  Robbie Morrison1,19  Simon Hilpert2,20  Matthias Reeg2,21 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany
[3]Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Berlin, Germany
[4]PIK, Potsdam, Germany
[5]DIW, Berlin, Germany
[6]DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Oldenburg, Germany
[7]DLR, Germany
[8]Danish Technical University, Denmark
[9]ETH Zürich, Switzerland
[10]Energy Consultant, Berlin, Germany
[11]FIAS, University of Frankfurt, Germany
[12]GERMANWATCH, Berlin, Germany
[13]IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
[14]Imperial College London, UK
[15]Institute of Energy and Climate Research, FZ Jülich, Germany
[16]Neon Neue Energieökonomik GmbH, Berlin, Germany
[17]Reiner Lemoine Institute, Germany
[18]University of Basel, Switzerland
[19]University of Flensburg, Germany
[20]University of Groningen, The Netherlands
[21]Wuppertal Institute, Germany
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The global energy system is undergoing a major transition, and in energy planning and decision-making across governments, industry and academia, models play a crucial role. Because of their policy relevance and contested nature, the transparency and open availability of energy models and data are of particular importance. Here we provide a practical how-to guide based on the collective experience of members of the Open Energy Modelling Initiative (Openmod). We discuss key steps to consider when opening code and data, including determining intellectual property ownership, choosing a licence and appropriate modelling languages, distributing code and data, and providing support and building communities. After illustrating these decisions with examples and lessons learned from the community, we conclude that even though individual researchers' choices are important, institutional changes are still also necessary for more openness and transparency in energy research. Keywords: Open source, Open data, Energy modelling
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