Guoji Yanke Zazhi
Research progress of contrast sensitivity detection
Hong-Sheng Bi1  Xiu-Zhen Lu2  Ai-Ling Bi3  Ning Cao4 
[1]Laboratory of Integrative Medicine for Prevention and Treatment of Ocular Diseases in Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province, Jinan 250002, Shandong Province, China
[2]Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for Eye Disease Prevention and Control
[3]Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for Eye Disease Prevention and Control
[4]Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, Shandong Province, China
关键词: contrast sensitivity;    detection method;    ophthalmology;    visual function;    visual optics;   
DOI  :  10.3980/j.issn.1672-5123.2020.7.17
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Contrast sensitivity(CS)has been widely studied in the research of ophthalmology and optometry. Compared with visual acuity(VA)test, CS assessment can fully and accurately reveal the state of visual function, which has become an important indicator for the prediction, diagnosis of eye diseases and for the evaluation of the disease progression and therapeutic effect. To improve the accuracy of CS measurement, CS detection methods have been constantly improved and innovated, mainly including objective examination and subjective psychophysical examination. Both methods have their advantages and limitations and the main target population is slightly different. With the development of the current Internet Plus, the CS detect software based on computer technology has been successively developed by many research institutions, which provide more convenient detection methods. Therefore, this paper reviews the visual standard design, measurement requirements and main applicable characteristics of common CS detection.
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