GMS Journal for Medical Education
medPJplus – development and implementation of a concept for the acquisition and qualification of teaching practices for the final year in family medicine at the University Medical Center Göttingen
Kleinert, E.1  Borgmann, S.1  Lohne, A.1  Hummers, E.1  Schlegelmilch, F.1  Demmer, Iris1 
[1] University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of General Practice, Göttingen, Germany;
关键词: undergraduate medical education;    final year;    family medicine;    teaching practice;    preceptor recruitment;    rural area;   
DOI  :  10.3205/zma001434
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Aim: The Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020 (Masterplan for Medical Studies 2020) focuses on practice-oriented undergraduate training with increased involvement of rural teaching practices. The demand for teaching practices for the final year will increase at all medical faculties in Germany. The project medPJplus at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) presents an approach for successfully acquiring general medical teaching practices in local rural areas.Project outline: The project medPJplus implemented eight measures in cooperation with medical students, interested general practitioners, and regional players in the surrounding districts to attract new teaching practices: we established public relations, accredited practices, organized the didactic training of participating general practitioners, created a digital platform for students that is linked to the nationwide PJ-Portal,and organized information events, workshops, and feedback reports to regional actors.Results: Within one year, a total of 40 new teaching practices with 57 new teachers in the local rural area joined the project in southern Lower Saxony. A three-stage didactic training concept for general practitioners was established at the UMG. A digital platform enhances the visibility of general practitioners and their activities for students. The teaching practices can now be found on the nationwide PJ-Portal. Fourteen students have currently completed their period of the final year in family medicine there.Conclusions: It is possible to acquire rural general medical teaching practices for the final year. This depends on four core elements: addressing and didactic training of interested general practitioners, networking of medical students with teaching physicians and regional actors, digitally presenting teaching practices, and developing solutions for mobility and living space during the final year.

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