RUDN Journal of Medicine
The analysis of efficiency of radical treatment of patients cancer of the left half of thick gut in hospitals surgical and oncological structure
A L Kancaliev1  Z S Pshukov1  B A Mizaushev1 
[1]Медицинский факультет КБГУ
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Parameters of the general and unrecidivating survival rate at 200 thick guts sick by malignant tumours received treatment in specialized oncological establishment and in branches of emergency surgery are analysed. Development of obstructive intestinal impassability met more often at tumours of the left half of thick gut, unlike tumours right-hand localization. Parameters of survival rate at the patients operated in oncology in occasion of tumours of the left half of a thick gut, statistically authentically exceeded parameters of survival rate of the patients operated in the emergency order. A principal cause of death was the complications of postoperative character caused by the initial phenomena of intestinal impassability and peritonitis. Dependence between insufficient volume of a site of a thick gut deleted at operation and high probability of development of relapse of disease within the first 2 years of supervision is revealed. The reason of distinctions in efficiency of treatment sick of a cancer of a thick gut is poor quality of system treatment at the patients operated in branches of emergency surgery, in connection with an incorrect estimation of prevalence of tumoral process and the subsequent underestimation adverse prognostic factors.
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