Why Make the World Move?
Keith Evan Green1 
[1]Cornell University Ithaca, NY
关键词: Adaptive environments;    Architectural robotics;    Interactive Environments;    Theory;    Human-Machine Interaction;    Intelligent Systems;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The next horizons of human-computer interaction promise a whirling world of digital bytes, physical bits, and their hybrids. Are human beings prepared to inhabit such cyber-physical, adaptive environments? Assuming an optimistic view, this chapter offers a reply, drawing from art and art history, environmental design, literature, psychology, and evolutionary anthropology, to identify wide-ranging motivations for the design of such “new places” of human-computer interaction. Moreover, the author makes a plea to researchers focused in the domain of adaptive environments to pause and take a longer, more comprehensive, more self-reflective view to see what we’re doing, to recognize where we are, and to possibly find ourselves and others within our designed artifacts and systems that make the world move. 
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