Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Development of an expert system for selection of multiphase flow correlations
Mohamed A. Abd El-Moniem1  Ahmed H. El-Banbi2 
[1] Amal Petroleum Company;Cairo University;
关键词: Multiphase flow;    Out flow performance;    Multiphase correlations;    Production engineering;    Nodal analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s13202-018-0442-7
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Our target was to develop an expert system to help petroleum engineers in selecting the most suitable multiphase flow correlation in the absence of measured flowing pressure. A large database of pressure points was collected and analyzed using many multiphase flow correlations. The expert system was developed with a set of rules to identify the best correlation for variety of well, flow, and PVT conditions. The expert system is based on the idea of clustering the data and finding the best multiphase flow correlation(s) for each cluster. The error associated with the selected correlation is also quantified for every correlation in each data sub-cluster so the engineer would expect the accuracy of pressure drop prediction when utilizing this approach. Over the entire database, if one multiphase flow correlation is selected, the overall mean absolute percent error ranges between 12.7 and 57.5%, while the range of errors for best correlation(s) in different data sub-clusters range from 0.01 to 3% for most cases with accurate PVT. The expert system was validated by a new set of data. It succeeded in identifying the best correlation(s) 70% of the times, and the calculated pressure was more accurate than using one correlation by a factor of 2. Use of the expert system in the validation database gave a mean absolute percent error of 8.8%. This represents approximately one-third of the error value when any single correlation is used over the entire validation dataset. (Error for using single correlation ranges from more than 21 to 29%.)

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