Optimal Timing Fault Tolerant Control for Switched Stochastic Systems with Switched Drift Fault
Zengxiang He1  Kanjian Zhang1  Li He2  Chenglong Zhu3  Wei Sun3 
[1] Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of CSE Ministry of Education, School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;New Drug Research and Development Co., Ltd., State Key Laboratory of Antibody Research & Development, NCPC, Shijiazhuang 052165, China;School of Mathematics Science, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, China;
关键词: fault tolerant control;    switching time fault;    optimal timing control;    switched stochastic systems;    four wheel drive mobile robot;   
DOI  :  10.3390/math10111880
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article, an optimal timing fault tolerant control strategy is addressed for switched stochastic systems with unknown drift fault for each switching point. The proposed controllers in existing optimal timing control schemes are not directly aimed at the switched drift fault system, which affects the optimal control performance. A cost functional with system state information and fault variable is constructed. By solving the optimal switching time criterion, the switched stochastic system can accommodate switching drift fault. The variational technique is presented for the proposed cost function in deriving the gradient formula. Then, the optimal fault tolerant switching time is calculated by combining the Armijo step-size gradient descent algorithm. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controller design scheme is proved by the safe trajectory planning for a four wheel drive mobile robot and numerical example.

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