One-Year Monitoring PV Power Plant Installed on Rooftop of Mineirão Fifa World Cup/Olympics Football Stadium
Juliano M. Fraga1  Bruno M. Lopes1  Márcio M. Silva2  Guilherme Amaral3  Alexandre S. Piterman3  Wallace C. Boaventura3  Luís G. Monteiro3  Wilson N. Macedo4  Pedro F. Torres4 
[1] Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), Belo Horizonte-MG 30190-131, Brazil;Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Belo Horizonte-MG 30421-169, Brazil;Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering—Federal University of Minas Gerais (PPGEE/UFMG), Belo Horizonte-MG 31270-901, Brazil;Group of Studies and Development of Alternatives Energy—Federal University of Pará (GEDAE/UFPA), Belém-PA 6625-972, Brazil;
关键词: PV power plants;    monitoring;    rooftop;    sport stadiums;    power factor;    performance metrics;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en10020225
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents results of one-year monitoring of AC side electrical parameters and the characterization of local solar radiation at the biggest rooftop PV Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 1.42 MWp, mounted at Mineirão Football Stadium in Brazil. This stadium is one of the sport facilities that hosted 2014 FIFA World Cup and Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Games in the country. Results showed how it is important to study and characterize the solar resource in the region of interest, based on historic data, to provide the understanding of solar radiation and thus project PV power plants with better performance. Furthermore, AC electrical data show the behavior of active, reactive and apparent powers and the influence of the PV system on the power factor at the local grid utility connection point. Finally, PV power plant performance data (as annual final yield, performance ratio and capacity factor) are also presented and compared with data from PVsyst software simulations. The results over the monitoring period were good considering the specificities of the stadium

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