Assessment of Fitness Tracker Security: A Case of Study
Lucía Alonso1  Daniel Díaz Sánchez and Patricia Arias Cabarcos2  Florina Almenares Mendoza2  Andrés Marín López2 
[1]Alumni University Carlos III of Madrid, 28911 Madrid, Spain
[2]University Carlos III de Madrid, Avda, de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Spain
关键词: fitness tracker;    wearable devices;    security vulnerabilities;   
DOI  :  10.3390/proceedings2191235
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The wearable industry has experienced a notable growth over the last decade, especially in fitness or e-health trackers. These trackers bring new functionalities that require collecting a great amount of sensitive information about the user. This fact has made fitness trackers the target of deliberate attacks, e.g., eavesdropping, unauthorized account access, fake firmware update, and so on. For this reason, this paper describes a vulnerability study on one of the most popular fitness trackers in 2017, together with the mobile application associated to the tracker. The study results show what vulnerabilities of the communications among agents (i.e., wearable device, mobile application and server) could put at risk users sensitive information and privacy.
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