Geodesy and Cartography
Earth rotation and geodynamics
Bogusz Janusz1  Nastula Jolanta2  Kosek Wieslaw3  Brzezinski Aleksander4 
[1] Military University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy 2 Gen. S. Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland;Polish Academy of Sciences Space Research Centre 18A Bartycka St., 00-716 Warsaw, Poland;University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying 24-28 Al. Mickiewicza, 30-059 Krakow, Poland;Warsaw University of Technology Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy 1 Pl. Politechniki., 00-661 Warsaw, Poland;
关键词: Earth rotation;    GNSS;    SLR;    tidal investigations;    Earth magnetic field;   
DOI  :  10.1515/geocart-2015-0013
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents the summary of research activities carried out in Poland in 2011-2014 in the field of Earth rotation and geodynamics by several Polish research institutions. It contains a summary of works on Earth rotation, including evaluation and prediction of its parameters and analysis of the related excitation data as well as research on associated geodynamic phenomena such as geocentre motion, global sea level change and hydrological processes. The second part of the paper deals with monitoring of geodynamic phenomena. It contains analysis of geodynamic networks of local, and regional scale using space (GNSS and SLR) techniques, Earth tides monitoring with gravimeters and water-tube hydrostatic clinometer, and the determination of secular variation of the Earth’ magnetic field.

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