Les Cahiers d’EMAM
« Rien ne sera jamais comme avant ». La vie de la communauté rom de Sulukule après un projet de rénovation urbaine à Istanbul
关键词: Turkey;    Urban Transformation;    Mobilisation;    Roma;    Sukulule;    Istanbul;   
DOI  :  10.4000/emam.2009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the neoliberal approach has prevailed in the fabric of the urban space in Turkey, the main objective being to make the city attractive through transformation projects, which, moreover, favour the gentrification of many neighbourhoods. Sulukule is one of them. This neighborhood, mostly populated by Roma, underwent a project of urban transformation between 2006 and 2011 causing the forced displacement and the dispersion of the population, as well as the massive destruction of houses. The valorization of land was the main objective of the project through the transformation of the neighbourhood, ensuring the arrival of high-income classes. This article proposes a social panorama of this neighbourhood before and after the project and studies the transformations and socio-economic and cultural changes observed in the daily life within it.

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