Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy
Teachers’ negotiations of bias in relation to teaching resources offered to schools by industrial actors
Lena Hansson1  Maria Andrée2 
[1] Kristianstad University;Stockholm Universitet;
关键词: industry-produced teaching resources;    commercial interest;    partiality;    educational policy;    teacher agency;   
DOI  :  10.1080/20020317.2022.2031831
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article focuses on the participation of industrial and corporate actors in science and technology education in Sweden. Opening up schools for the participation of industrial actors may be seen as a means of making education more connected to society. However, it may also contribute to the emergence of tensions related to ensuring values of objectivity and neutrality. The aim is to investigate how teachers deal with commercial interest, bias and partiality in collegial evaluations of industry-produced teaching resources. The data consist of focus group interviews with teachers, which were analysed using an ecological perspective on teacher agency. The teachers’ evaluations of the teaching resources focussed: (1) The legitimacy of evaluating teaching resources in terms of bias. (2) The value of a resource in terms of correctness and versatility, (3) Acceptable ways in which commercial interests are communicated (undercurrent messages, logos and advertisement), (4) Bias in light of different educational aims, and (5) Upholding neutrality versus imparting specific values and behaviours. The results are discussed with regard to the teacher agency achieved in evaluations concerning commercial interests, bias and partiality.

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