Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма | |
Клад римских монет I—II вв. из Среднего Поочья / Treasure of Roman Coins of the First — Second Centuries from the Middle Oka River Basin | |
M.M. Choref1  A.P. Gavrilov2  I.R. Ahmedov3  | |
[1] Nizhnevartovsk State University;Shilov District Local History Museum;State Hermitage Museum; | |
关键词: History; Archaeology; Numismatics; Economics; Barbaricum; Roman Period; | |
DOI : 10.24411/2219-8857-2018-00019 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The Roman coins from the treasure discovered near the Shilovo village of Ryazan Region and preserved in the local museum were studied. All of them are denarii of the first and second centuries. We believe that these coins came to the region due to trade relations with the Chernyakhov population. We assume that it was the most important counterpart in the domain of cultural and political life, localized from the Don and the Dnieper to the Black Sea and the Danube Region and, then, to Roman provinces. Remarkably, these coins at the moment of their concealment were not means of payment, as one can see, because the treasure contains suberate, broken, and punched coins. We believe that they served as raw material for jewelry, including those destined for the upper classes.
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