EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Transition technologies towards 6G networks
Dimitrios Klonidis1  Nikos Pleros2  George Kalfas2  Eugenio Ruggeri2  Chris Vagionas2  Evangelos Pikasis3  Bruno Cimoli4  Simon Rommel4  Idelfonso Tafur Monroy4  Thiago R. Raddo4  Evangelos Grivas5  Michael Katsikis5  Dimitrios Kritharidis5  Konstantinos Ntontin5  Mykhaylo Dubov6  Izabela Spaleniak6  Diego Perez-Galacho7  Salvador Sales7 
[1] Athens Information Technology;Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;Eulambia Advanced Technologies;Institute for Photonic Integration, Eindhoven University of Technology;Intracom Telecom;Optoscribe Ltd;Photonics Research Labs, iTEAM Research Institute, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia;
关键词: 5G;    6G;    Key-performance indicator (KPI);    mmWave;    Free-space optics (FSO);    Terahertz (THz);   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13638-021-01973-9
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The sixth generation (6G) mobile systems will create new markets, services, and industries making possible a plethora of new opportunities and solutions. Commercially successful rollouts will involve scaling enabling technologies, such as cloud radio access networks, virtualization, and artificial intelligence. This paper addresses the principal technologies in the transition towards next generation mobile networks. The convergence of 6G key-performance indicators along with evaluation methodologies and use cases are also addressed. Free-space optics, Terahertz systems, photonic integrated circuits, softwarization, massive multiple-input multiple-output signaling, and multi-core fibers, are among the technologies identified and discussed. Finally, some of these technologies are showcased in an experimental demonstration of a mobile fronthaul system based on millimeter 5G NR OFDM signaling compliant with 3GPP Rel. 15. The signals are generated by a bespoke 5G baseband unit and transmitted through both a 10 km prototype multi-core fiber and 4 m wireless V-band link using a pair of directional 60 GHz antennas with 10° beamwidth. Results shown that the 5G and beyond fronthaul system can successfully transmit signals with both wide bandwidth (up to 800 MHz) and fully centralized signal processing. As a result, this system can support large capacity and accommodate several simultaneous users as a key candidate for next generation mobile networks. Thus, these technologies will be needed for fully integrated, heterogeneous solutions to benefit from hardware commoditization and softwarization. They will ensure the ultimate user experience, while also anticipating the quality-of-service demands that future applications and services will put on 6G networks.

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